this image is perfect for how i am feeling right now. i have been on an an emotional roller coaster the last 2 days. there have been loops and turns, ups and downs, scares and screams... and this adventure inside hasn't been much of a joyride.
i am feeling overwhelmed.
GOD helps.
writing helps.
centering helps.
letting it out helps.
ever have a day where everything feels like one hot sweaty mess? or maybe like you've got too much on your plate right now ala over stuffed taco grande style where you go to take a bite and greasy grunge spills out both ends and leaves you with the need for a spoon. ha, i must laugh at myself for that one - for talking taco - but i'm trying to lighten a heavy load here.
tonight - tomorrow = time to relax. tonight mom will come over to watch "letters to God" which i heard was good. tomorrow 2 friends will be assisting me at my house with some services which i am sure will help me relax. the rest of the week is busy until saturday. today is monday and i'd like to set a goal or two for this week.
1. spend extra time in God's Word and i don't mean just reading Scriptures but doing some study as well...
2. don't over do it = very important i do not mentally or physically over do it with a busy week.
3. get done what needs to get done and then relax the rest of the evening.
no more bumpy or lumpy rides... smooth sailing please. you see, roller coasters will always be there but we don't have to be. i can chose to get on the ride and belt myself down OR i can choose to say "no thanks" to this one and pass.
Isaiah 40:31
"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."